Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine
Feb/March 2019 Issue

New York Yoga + Life
Holiday Gift Guide 2017

Forever Freckled Blog
A Gift Guide that Inspires

Adoptive Families
Gifts that Give Back 2017

Bottle and Heels
Gifts that Give Back

Thoughtful Parent
Raising an Unselfie Child

Real Simple Magazine
Cool Gifts for Kids



  • Victoria Farmer

    Co-Founder | Colorado Springs, Colorado

    • Jackie Konczol

      Co-Founder | Livingston, Louisiana


      • Baby2Baby


        Baby2Baby provides low-income children, ages 0-12 years, with diapers, clothing and all the basic necessities that every child deserves.


      My Emma is a bit of a drama queen and this doll has taught her to be kind and generous. "Emily" was a spontaneous purchase that I hoped would give her reasons to be nice to her siblings (she's the youngest of 3 but her attitude has grown larger than her 3 year old self). I was at my wits end trying to think outside the box to get her to want to be kind instead of just being forced...this doll did the trick. In the month we've had her my 3 year old has gotten in the good habit of searching out the kind thing to do in all kinds of situations with her siblings and now the community we live in culminating in her impromptu request that we buy a lunch for the people behind us in line at McDonald's last week. The doll is perfectly sewn and sturdy as well. She also washes with a washcloth if dipped in dirt LOL. Definitely would recommend this with or without the learning aspect, it's well worth the money.

      Heather B.


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